Our Commitment to Academic Excellence

Keren Segal – Founder and Research Mentor

I am an associate editor in Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal. Over the past few years, I reviewed over a thousand manuscripts and mentored hundreds of authors to bring their research to a publishable level.

My background in research is multidisciplinary with a PhD in Psychology, and an MA in Sociology and Anthropology. I have taught quantitative and qualitative research methods to students on all levels. I love mentoring them in their research projects from conception to publication.

I am currently teaching Contemporary Issues in Psychology at the Department of Psychology at the University of Otago, New Zealand.

I am delighted to see academics grow, master their writing, and develop their careers.

I am here to walk the same path with you!

Danny Fridberg – Learning and Teaching Specialist

I am a Principal Lecturer and a Program Leader at Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.

In my role, I train and support academic staff in developing their courses and lessons and enhancing their teaching skills in Learner-Centered and Experiential Learning pedagogies. 

I am a program lead of a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning Design, where we train the next generation of learning designers.

I hold a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies and supervise doctoral students who are writing qualitative and quantitative theses.

I look forward to helping you enhance your learning and teaching practice and support your academic career development